lunedì 22 maggio 2017


This historical drink was invented by Harry Ye in 1957 – a legendary head bartender of the Hilton Hawaiian Village in Waikiki, Hawaii. Bols asked him to future their blue curacao and so this drink was born. It has been a success since then and is now one of those that didn´t fade away.

The yellow pineapple juice makes the blue curacao more green actually…which i like, it looks like the greenish shallow waters of Bora Bora`s motus.

2 oz unsweetened pineapple juice
1 oz sweet & sour ( 1:1 fresh lemon/lime juices and simple syrup)

0.75 oz Blue Curacao
0.5 tsp cream or half & half
1.5 oz vodka
Mix everything in a tall glass packed with crushed ice.
The book doesn`t mention any garnish, but the traditional garnish for a Blue Hawaii is a pineapple slice and a cherry.

Its a nice drink but in my opinion a bit plain and boring – tastes like liquid fruit bubblegum and i can`t help it..all the while i was drinking this one i kept thinking – i wonder how this drink will taste if i replace the (tasteless) vodka with a gin – like junipero? and switching the pineappple juice for grapefruit? – fresh yellow grapefruit – i had to do that..
I`m not a fan of vodka as i want to feel some flavor from the booze and so here`s a twist of it with the gin also upped a bit to 2 oz and the blue curacao taken down to 0.5 oz instead:

2 oz fresh yellow grapefruit juice
1 oz sweet & sour ( 1:1 fresh lemon/lime juices and simple syrup)
0.5 oz blue curacao
2 oz junipero gin
0.5 tsp cream
Mix everything in a tall glass packed with crushed ice.
Garnish with a tropical or a pineapple leaf.
I found this one much fresher due to the grapefruit juice which isn`t so sweet and more flavorful too with the gin. Next time i`m gonna mix up the Blue Reef which can be found at the same page in the  Log. But for now its enough with two blue drinks i think. Now…let`s put on that hula skirt..

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